In particular, there are three villages that are in urgent need for teams near the Alaska/Canadian border. The United Methodist Church along with the Alaska VOAD, FEMA, and the Mennonite Church, Church of Latter Day Saints, Catholic Charities, Samaritan's Purse, CRWRC (Christian Reform World Relief Church), the Lutherans, and the Interior COAD in Fairbanks are making a national effort to help in the recovery. The three villages are Eagle, Canana, and Stevens Village.
Because of the ice, the damage to the villages is unique and the damage looks like a hurricane or tornado went through them instead of flooding. Cars are crushed and so are homes. In Eagle, 24 homes were destroyed. Out of the 24, FEMA and locals have picked 13 that need to be rebuilt from the ground up.
In Canana, there were 30 homes that have been gutted out by the locals but do need interior repair like dry wall and electrical. There are 2 homes there that need be rebuilt from the ground up as well.
I am still awaiting news about the needs in Stevens Village.
Eagle has access to roads but Canena and Stevens Village is accessible via barge or by flying in. Teams can fly into Anchorage or Fairbanks and Holland America is helping the recovery efforts by providing ground transportation from the airport to these villages for volunteers.
IN addition, if serving in Eagle there is a support camp for volunteers to stay in and a school where they can shower. The local community there will be providing meals. In Canana, there is a building available for teams to stay in.
Ideally, we need teams that can come in for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. This is more cost effective than if they just come up for one week. However, because the need is great those teams that can only serve 1 week will not be turned away.
Also, please no youth teams. Only teams with volunteers 18 and older are encouraged to serve here. If this changes, I will let you know.
Please know that they are able to take volunteers as soon as mid-July and the window of opportunity to get these homes built is from now until about Sept. 15th due to the weather change and lack of sun in the winter months. The locals live mostly on what they hunt and gather so they will most likely not be too involved in the construction efforts as they have to prepare for the coming winter season.
Only LOG HOMES are to be built. The villages do not want any other homes built but LOG HOMES. In fact, there is a kit called "Kit Homes" which will be used for the rebuilding process. People with construction experience are needed most. For further info feel free to contact me. Thank you. Blessings,
Heather WilsonUnited Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM)Western JurisdictionThe
Heather WilsonUnited Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM)Western JurisdictionThe
United Methodist Churchumvimwj@hotmail.com - Emailhttp://www.umvimwj.blogspot.com/ - Current Volunteer News & Info11707 Terra Bella St., Lake View Terrace, CA 91342818.333.6730 - Phone
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