Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Disaster Recovery Ministry of the Louisiana Annual Conference

The Disaster Recovery Ministry of the Louisiana Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church needs your help as we serve those affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Volunteers have been the key element in creating this vital ministry which is helping to restore homes, churches and lives in South Louisiana. In many ways, this recovery effort is like a pot of “gumbo” . . . made with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Our “gumbo” of volunteers includes folks of all ages from different ethnic groups, denominations, colleges, and civic and non-profit organizations—all of them selflessly committed to serving the people of Louisiana.

When you volunteer, you are helping to restore mental health and giving hope to the hopeless. As you rebuild lives and churches, the joy from giving selflessly to others is the gift you receive.

Some of you have served on a work team before. Others are considering helping for the first time. As you contemplate your visit to Louisiana, please review and download our Volunteer Brochure and our list of Frequently Asked Questions which will help you plan your mission trip.

In certain parts of the state, storm survivors are actively rebuilding their damaged or destroyed homes. Although much has been done, there are still thousands of homeowners who must have their homes gutted and cleared of damaged furniture and household items. Without you, their ability to recover is bleak. There are now 6 stations in Louisiana that can house and host UMVIM teams.

We invite you to jump into our “volunteer gumbo.” Lend a hand by visiting our website: www.laumcstormrelief.com and clicking on I Want To Help to register an UMVIM team.

If you would like to have a speaker for a meeting of your group, church or organization, please contact me at (225) 346-5193 through Rev. Yvonne Dayries, or e-mail me at revcthomas@bellsouth.net. We can’t wait to welcome you to Louisiana!

Building Bridges for Recovery, I remain
Rev. Connie M. Thomas
Disaster Relief Manager of Volunteers

"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God
gave the increase……So then neither is he
that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth;
but God that giveth the increase.”


Barbara Stone
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
South Central Jurisdiction

PO Box 331
Mexico, MO 65265
Web: www.gbgm-umc.org/scjumc/VIM.htm and www.umvim.info