So the Executive Committee had to make recommendations for spending in 2009. Here are the results of that meeting:
- Each team signed up with a Project Coordinator and working on approved PIM projects will receive up to $1000 for building supplies. If the team does not need this amount it will not be distributed.
- Money will only be sent to Churches after the Project Coordinator has contacted me with the mailing information and team leader’s name. Please plan ahead so the money can get to the teams in time. Money will not be sent to the site except in those cases where accounts have been set up through appropriate channels.
- Teams will be responsible for using their own Project Money first and then the PIM money. Any PIM money left over must be returned to the PIM office.
- Site trips are on hold for 2009. There were two approved site trips which were deemed necessary for team organization this year. John Ridlehuber to Four Corners and the soon to be assigned Project Coordinator for Cote d’ Ivoire. Project Coordinators can request of the Executive Committee a site trip for emergencies only.
- T-shirts are going to be ordered this year because they pay for themselves. A new logo will be designed as the Blue T’s have been used for the past 2-3 years.
- The Missions FORUM is scheduled for Oct. 3 at Lakewood United Methodist Church on Louetta in north Houston. We will follow the same format designed in 2008 for Huntsville using Project Coordinators to discuss and educate the participants on specific mission projects. If you have any questions please call.
Blessings, Kathie L. MannDirector, Partners In MissionTexas Annual Conference 5215 Main St.Houston, TX 77002713-521-9383