Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Team members interested in volunteering in Haiti

All team members interested in volunteering in Haiti in the next year must register on-line at . You will not be considered as a team member unless you register on this site. Once your name is registered, I will receive your information and be in contact with you.

Medical volunteers must also sign up on this same website. Medical specialists are being deployed now and working with groups already set up in Haiti.

All recovery team members must be Early Response and Team Leader trained. Safe Sanctuary training must be completed and a background check must be current. Volunteers who have previous experience in Haiti will be considered first. Those who speak French or Creole with Haiti experience will be on the top of the list.

No volunteers will be going to Haiti until an invitation comes from the Methodist Church of Haiti and the UMCOR offices.

What steps should you take now?

Register on the national database. See down to the picture marked "Register to Volunteer in Haiti".
  1. Sign up for Team Leader Training - call Jan Bierwirth 713-521-9383.

  2. Sign up for Early Response Training - call Clay Whitaker 281-452-2861.

  3. PIM office will identify team leaders and help formulate teams.

  4. Be ready when teams are allowed in and project scheduling begins.

  5. Check passport expiration dates and immunizations. Check with county health or CDC for needed shots.

    Kathie Mann
    Director, Partners In Mission
    Texas Annual Conference

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Haiti Update by Kathie Mann

President, Eglise Méthodiste d’Haiti Here is the latest news from the Methodist Church in Haiti. Please let your churches know that UMCOR is at work in Haiti but much has to be done before teams can begin to go in.

The Texas Annual Conference probably will not have teams going in early because one of the criteria for a team member is that they have experience in Haiti. Since many churches along the East Coast have been extremely active in Haiti over the past years with multiple teams going in through UMVIM, we in the South Central Jurisdictional will be ready after the first wave of volunteers serves.

This is a long term recovery area and we will be working with the churches and families in Haiti for many years. Thank you all for putting together the Health/Hygiene Kits and donating money to the recovery of Haiti. Thank you for your willingness to serve.

Kathie Mann - Director, Partners in Mission

See Letter from Rev. Gesner Paul
President, Eglise Méthodiste d’Haiti