Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mexico Mission Trip: August 2 - 8

Mexico Mission Trip: August 2 - 8, First UMC, 2314 N. Grand Blvd., Pearland, 77581, Lori Saia, 281-485-1466, lsaia@fumcpearland.org. Most work will be construction in Carbonera, a fishing village located on the gulf; and one day working at an orphanage in San Fernando . Both in the State of Tamaulipas . VBS coordinator welcome. Cost: $150 includes meals, lodging and transportation. www.fumcpearland.org.

Disaster Preparedness Seminar: Saturday, August 8,

Disaster Preparedness Seminar: Saturday, August 8, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Wesley UMC, 3810 N Major Dr, Beaumont, 77713, Alan Van Hooser, 409-962-1072, revavanhooser@aolcom. Prepare a church plan for any disruption of regular activities: gunman in the church, fire, burglary and weather related occurrences. Presenter: Jennifer Posten, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston; Recommended by TACCOR; Cost: $100 per church, unlimited attendees; Includes CD, handouts and lunch.

Team Leader Training dates 2009-2010

Here are the confirmed Team Leader Training dates for the rest of 2009 and for spring of 2010. Make sure your team leaders get to one of these if they have not attended in the past couple of years. We will cancel a session if less than 7 sign up. We can add more sessions if we need to. [ View Form ]