Dear All,
Hope you are all having a great summer and able to relax a little! Teams have been coming and going for weeks now and much is being accomplished. Thank you all for the work you have done to make sure each team has a positive mission experience.
Jordie Chalupnik – having knee surgery at 1:30 today in Clear Lake Hospital. She fell while playing with her dog and broke the tibia near the knee cap. She will be in a full cast for about 6 weeks and then weeks to months of recovery.
David Lund is recuperating quickly, but is not to be working of roofs for a few more weeks. Keep him in your prayers.
Jan Bierwirth is back in the office and thanks all of you for your prayers and notes of concern this past week.
Tommy Lyles will be the Chair for PIM this quadrennium. Donna Dean has agreed to continue as secretary. At our next PIM meeting we need to decide on a Vice Chair.
100 Cook books have been sold to date. We need to sell 320 to break even!!!! So get out and promote these books. They will be on sell at School of Missions and all through the holidays. Jordie and her church volunteers did a great job!
The Executive Committee had a conference call meeting last week. Part of the discussion was focused on training for Project Coordinators (old and new). It was decided that to save travel costs, we would have a PIM meeting on Sept. 5th 10-noon at Huntsville UMC, then from 1-6 p.m. we will be working with Project Coordinators on all facets of the planning, budgeting and implementing your mission programs. PIM will cover your travel costs (.26/mile) and overnight. We are working on finding a hotel. All of you are to be present at the FORUM the next day so we are saving you one trip. If plans change for the FORUM, we will also reschedule our PIM meeting.
I will be mailing you multiple copies of the FORUM registration form. You are to get these out to your churches, team leaders, friends, etc. Please make sure they are distributed.
We are looking for Project Coordinators for:
Four Corners
Mission Store
If you know of someone who might be interested, please contact me. The Executive Committee will interview them before a decision is made.
God Bless,
Kathie L. Mann
Hope you are all having a great summer and able to relax a little! Teams have been coming and going for weeks now and much is being accomplished. Thank you all for the work you have done to make sure each team has a positive mission experience.
Jordie Chalupnik – having knee surgery at 1:30 today in Clear Lake Hospital. She fell while playing with her dog and broke the tibia near the knee cap. She will be in a full cast for about 6 weeks and then weeks to months of recovery.
David Lund is recuperating quickly, but is not to be working of roofs for a few more weeks. Keep him in your prayers.
Jan Bierwirth is back in the office and thanks all of you for your prayers and notes of concern this past week.
Tommy Lyles will be the Chair for PIM this quadrennium. Donna Dean has agreed to continue as secretary. At our next PIM meeting we need to decide on a Vice Chair.
100 Cook books have been sold to date. We need to sell 320 to break even!!!! So get out and promote these books. They will be on sell at School of Missions and all through the holidays. Jordie and her church volunteers did a great job!
The Executive Committee had a conference call meeting last week. Part of the discussion was focused on training for Project Coordinators (old and new). It was decided that to save travel costs, we would have a PIM meeting on Sept. 5th 10-noon at Huntsville UMC, then from 1-6 p.m. we will be working with Project Coordinators on all facets of the planning, budgeting and implementing your mission programs. PIM will cover your travel costs (.26/mile) and overnight. We are working on finding a hotel. All of you are to be present at the FORUM the next day so we are saving you one trip. If plans change for the FORUM, we will also reschedule our PIM meeting.
I will be mailing you multiple copies of the FORUM registration form. You are to get these out to your churches, team leaders, friends, etc. Please make sure they are distributed.
We are looking for Project Coordinators for:
Four Corners
Mission Store
If you know of someone who might be interested, please contact me. The Executive Committee will interview them before a decision is made.
God Bless,
Kathie L. Mann