Monday, June 30, 2008

The SCJ newsletter

Dear all,

Here is another newsletter. June has been a very busy month. I will post flood information as soon as it is sent to me. Lorna Jost NCJ has sent me information of how to help with disaster relief for Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. A copy of this is on the SCJ website. Please feel free to add it to your website or send it to interested churches or individuals. Also listed are mission opportunities in Vietnam, the Middle East and Ukraine to name a few locations.

Please send me an updates or information. I will be glad to post them on the website. It will be helpful to have the information in print ready form-edited and correct spelling.

Thanks for your help and ministry.

Debbie VestSCJ UMVIM Director
15120 Sunningdale
St.Austin. TX 78717

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