They will be in Houston beginning November 14, visiting Lakewood UMC, that Sunday morning. They are available to speak for the following weeks until November 28 and possibly Dec. 6 on Sunday mornings at worship, to Sunday school classes, UMW groups, etc. If you are interested in having them speak at your church, I will be arranging their schedule so please contact me. I am unsure about the week following November 28 but will get back to you about that.
They will also need lodging and meals while they are in Houston . If someone in your church would be interested in housing them for several nights, I would greatly appreciate that also.
We are blessed to have this opportunity to introduce these amazing servants of Christ to our congregations and share the work of Maua Methodist Hospital . I hope we can spread this word abundantly.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Noel Denison
Cell: 832-541-7480
I grew up at Maua Methodist Hospital where my mother worked until she retired. I am proud of the progress the hospital has made and grateful to all who have contributed to its success. I am equally proud of Mr & Mrs. Gitari and their efforts to give back to the community. Now I live in Washington, D.C and teach as a prestigious university in the nation's capital. I would love to host Mr & Mrs. Gitari at my church and/or university here in DC before they go back to Maua. Please pass my message to them. Thank you!
Miriti Kaberia
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