Driving into Houston daily gives me time to contemplate life, write sermons in my head, listen to a book on tape and find new roads to bypass rush hour traf¬fic. Of all the roads I could take to the office, I find myself traveling the same one each day.If I am there when the school crossing lights are flashing, I know that a tall man with a wonderful smile will be there waving to each car as we pass by. He has been there everyday for the past several years.
We recognize each other and he expects me to wave back with as much enthusiasm. I felt comforted by this gen¬tle man and safe while he was on the corner.If I was having a bad day, his smile was elec¬tric and I would snap out of my doldrums quickly with a chuckle, as his arm waved high over his head and his grin spread from ear to ear. I would thank God for him each day and felt this was part of my morning ritual blessing.Then one day, he was not at the crossing. I looked hard on both sides of the road but he was gone. I prayed that he was alright.
The new lady does not smile and wave at us. My heart was sad to think that my friend would not be there each morning. He was Christ at the School Crossing, not just for me but for everyone who passed on his street. We should all be like him, eager to share the love of life and friendship even in the simplest of ways
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