The Global Theological Education Program at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, is offering “Hearts and Minds for Mission: An Intensive Seminar for Lay Mission Volunteers” October 6 th and 7 th, 2006. The seminar will focus on ways that volunteers in mission understand and participate in restoration and healing as expressions of the missionary vocation of the church.
Over the last three decades volunteer short term missionaries have become one of the most important groups in Christian mission, even as mission has become increasingly important to the self-understanding of Christian churches. In this seminar Perkins School of Theology faculty members will lead workshops focusing on missionary spirituality, scriptural guidance for missionaries, and the theology and history of Christian missions.
Workshop leaders will include Dr. Elaine Heath on "Spiritual Healing after Violence and Abuse," and Dr. Robert Hunt on "Making the Gospel Good News for Broken Communities," Dr. Rich Nelson on "Balm in Gilead: OT Repentance and Restoration," Dr. Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner on “Self-Care: Preventing Compassion Fatigue”, Dr. John Holbert on “Mission in the Old Testament” and Dr. Robert Krout on “The Healing Power of Music and Art.” The seminar will begin on a Friday evening and conclude Saturday afternoon. It will be held in Selecman Hall on the SMU campus. Information and Registration forms are found at www.smu.edu/globaltheology.
The Global Theological Education Program makes available resources of Perkins School of Theology for the spiritual and theological enrichment of those preparing for service as volunteers in mission, and arranges for significant cross-cultural immersion experiences for Perkins students preparing to offer leadership in mission as local pastors and church workers. For further information contact Dr. Robert Hunt, Director of Global Theological Education at 214.768.1374 ( globaltheology@smu.edu) or Roberta Cox, Director of Public Affairs at 214.768.2335 (rcox@smu.edu)
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