Thursday, December 13, 2007

The 2008 projects have been recently approved by the Partners In Mission and Division of Mission committees. Each project has a Project Coordinator who is responsible for giving you all the information you will need to have a successful mission experience. Review the opportunities listed, then call the Project Coordinator for any questions

»International Projects » National Projects » Medical Projects

Sharing in God’s mission”

“Sharing in God’s mission”
is the purpose of our experiential and hands-on international mission for Sr. High Youth. This “Mission Academy” will be a unique experience for you and your youth mission team (YOUth going into 9th grade through graduating Seniors). The dates of this mission opportunity are June 21-28, 2008. The location is McAllen, Texas and border area San Pablo Dis­trict churches of the Eastern Conference of the Methodist Church of Mexico.
[ View Flyer ]

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mission Forum 2007

Mission Forum 2007

 Over 200 hundred people came to Mission Forum on Saturday September 15 and learned about Risk Taking Mission through worship, workshops, international lunch and "global village" displays. The Mission Store was there; project coordinators from our national and international Partners in Mission projects were there to answer questions and help participants with the Mission Triva Game. Displays from mission groups such as Mision Milby, UM ARMY, Mercy Ships, CONAM, and others were there to educate and involve people in mercy ministries. Top names from the General Board of Global Ministries were on hand as workshop presenters, as well as some of our mission partners from Mexico and Cote d'Ivoire. Lakewood UMC were marvelous hosts as they helped set up and direct people to classes throughout the day. At the sending forth service, Jackie (sp?) Banman and Tommy Lyles provided a challenge and a consecration service sending people out into the world in risk taking mission and ministry.

Next year's Mission Forum is slated for Saturday, September 6, at First UMC in Huntsville Texas and will feature our Partners in Mission projects, local, national, and international.